A quick catch up for the end of the year. Plus the 1 year anniversary of our blog!

2007 black and white anniversary edition pfau. a new welcome addition to our collection.


Big Belly, my biggest boy, and Malawi Fish.

Lion asks every day when the baby is coming out, it's so sweet. 🙂

I am so lucky to be a mamma who's big boy is home from school. Having Lion around more was just what I needed! He is so loving and giving me lots of extra kisses and smiles. We are both really enjoying "How to train your dragon" a super fun pixar movie that Nanna and Pappa introduced him to in Vail on their ski trip.

Pfau Pfilled Days abound around here. 🙂

Baby Simone in April Indio

She's helping me (and Judah) get used to having a littler baby around:) Judah is still having a really hard time getting used to me wearing or holding other babies. Today was better than most. 🙂

My most supportive wraps are getting used the most often for Judah-wearing. Petrol-ecru thick fish falls into that category for sure, and this nap was quickly achieved. 🙂 Babywearing is so satisfying. 🙂 I haven't felt very capable lately what with being huge and all, and it's nice to be able to put Judah to sleep easily this way.

A Wonderful prenatal on wednesday night confirmed that the baby is measuring perfectly, and I am on schedule to be giving birth at home sometime starting from Jan 23rd on.  As long as all keeps going perfectly. Heres to that!!!!!!!!

2 thoughts on “A quick catch up for the end of the year. Plus the 1 year anniversary of our blog!

    • the black white pfau? or the burgundy? 🙂 I am doing a modified fwcc tied under her bum in the b/w pfau, and a ruck tied tibetan with the burgundy one. Both of these peacocks are true size 4’s. Happy new year and thanks for reading!!

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