Ann Arbor babywearers, our first private meeting at Joust Fitness!

And it was awesome.  Not many of us came and I got at least one email from someone who still looked for us at the mall, so kinda transitioning, but still overall good. 🙂

Lauren in Jahmanna's Moor Girasol

Sleepy Fin

Diy wrap with it's new color makeover 🙂

Laurn's new hemp Grad

Sisters at lunch

Trying out my new Wrapsody Sol, Very cushy and supportive for a partially stretchy wrap

Walking and nursing after lunch

Judah was fully asleep after this pic

The construction on our house is continuing and I hope it will be done by friday or monday and to have everything else done by the end of the next week (translation: making jewelry in a studio, sitting on a couch in the livingroom and putting toys away on shelves)  Wish us luck!

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