Elephant Ears Baby Boutique, Our New Family Business. Step 1, Emphasis on Babywearing!

Well, here I am, back in a store.

Here is our new family shop. Elephant Ears Baby Boutique in Downtown Ann Arbor, MI.

It’s not what I expected, and I admit, I even have said I would never sell things again.  But after living life leading a babywearing group, and seeing people in private practice alot now, my thoughts often have turned to one question over and over again, “How do people get the information they are coming to me with?”

Or mis-information as the case may be.

Over time I have found 2 answers stand above all, 1. is TV, 2. is from shopping, both online and walking through baby stores.

The most common answer that I have found to “How did you get THAT (read: unsafe) carrier?”  seems to be “well it was at the store. . . etc. etc.”

Store, Right, Check.  Change the message in the stores.  Emphasis on BABYWEARING!!!

Here is Lion in the beginings of the new babywearing center in Elephant Ears. When people walk by, all they can think is, "wow, thats so beautiful, how could I not need one for my parenting experience. 🙂 I hope 🙂

It is a sunny spot, so the picture is a bit washed out, but it is beautiful and attracting tons of attention!

We see so many happy babies every day in the babywearing center!! This is a snuggly Onya Baby!

Super happy in their new Boba 3g.

These 2 were elated in their Girasol Ringsling.

Our own baby is the happiest of all. 🙂 Kyle and I have dreamed for years of working together with our children, which means Elephant Ears is our Dream Come True!!!! (Nebbia Fish)

My awesome business partner, Matt, talking to Lauren in Grey Wool Swallows.

And here he is selling and packing up a breastpump. Our store is an amazing place. I love to be a part of people's journey's as they become parents. Teaching people to prevent crying is such a rewarding experience!

So Elephant Ears is the beginning of Closeathandbaby’s disappearance.  Not that my service will disappear, but now, WE are Elephant Ears, and that is taking a bit of getting used to.  Don’t be surprised if the name of the blog changes or something.  I’m thinking about that riiiight now.  For now I just want to encourage all of you to click the icon of kyle in the store to the right and check out our selection of carriers!  Its growing every day!!  Kyle and I are putting our heart and soul into creating a place to educate parents in our community and all over.  A place to give new parents confidence to become the parents they want to be, with ease.  It’s all about CRYING PREVENTION!!  Follow our journey if you dare.   It just gets more exciting every day!

4 thoughts on “Elephant Ears Baby Boutique, Our New Family Business. Step 1, Emphasis on Babywearing!

  1. Kyle and Becca, I am so proud of you both and your hard work together. This wonderful store looks fantastic! I wish you all the best, Kit in Colorado

  2. Your store is absolutely gorgeous! Many congratulations! Rebecca – we’d love to profile Elephant Ears and Close at Hand on our Saturday Spotlight series. Would you like the?
    All the best,
    Onya Baby

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